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If you’ve stumbled across my blog, I’m sure we have something in common. This may be motherhood or nursing. In that case, you should stick around a little longer. You will love the many tips I will provide on mom life, nurse life, and ways you can thrive financially through money-saving techniques.

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  • New Nurse Tips: Welcome to Nursing

    Congratulations, I’m sure you’re reading this because you are a new grad nurse and have or will soon be starting your new career. Starting as a new nurse on the floor can be exciting but overwhelming. Nursing school has prepared us for the perfect NCLEX world but does nursing school prepare us for the real…

  • Things You Need to Know About Digital Couponing-Beginner Tips

    Couponing has evolved so much over the years. How great is it that we are offered coupons from numerous store apps that allow us to save money so easily? Digital couponing can be done with just a click of a button while using our cell phones. How much more convenient can couponing be, right? I…

  • 4 Ways to Become a Productive Mom in 2024!!

    As a mom sometimes we can feel as if our day is never ending and we aren’t productive throughout the day. We often feel like we have to do a million things in just 24 hours. We start our week off thinking of everything we need to get done by the end of the week.…

  • 5 Ways to Increase Your Money as a Single Mom

    Often, I’m asked, “How do you do it?”  Years ago, I would laugh at that question and wonder exactly why others thought I was keeping afloat as a single mom because I sure didn’t feel as if I was. To be honest, I felt like I was drowning with bills.  As the years progressed, I…